React Visual Environment, built for Devs by Devs.

If you hate large codebases with poor documentation, learn how Agua will save you time:

Components Tree

Visualize component hierarchies and locate their files: Find where your code is.

Dependencies Tree

Visualize component dependencies: Review all code relationships.

Seamless integration icon
Plug and play

You are ready to go after running only one command in your terminal. Agua automatically identifies all your components and dependencies.

Personalized insights icon
Embrace the fun

Spend less time figuring out where your code is and understanding how it works. Let's skip the boring part.

Security icon
Your code is safe

Your code runs locally and never gets sent to our servers. Fear no leaks or model training. You can even bring your AI provider's API.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What can I do with Agua?

If you are new to a project, Agua will generate a component and dependencies graph so you can visualize all your code structure. For each task, Agua will help you locate each file and preview each component with its props. You can edit each component directly in our integrated IDE and use AI to document all your work. As you push your changes, your team will have access to your documentation.

How does Agua document my code?

We have created specific prompts to document comprehensively each of your components props. You only need to connect Agua to your AI provider to start documenting.

Does my code get sent to Agua's servers?

No. Your code only runs locally.

Is Agua free?

Yes, Agua is free for all developers. Do you want to use Agua in your workplace? Check out our ambassadors program and help us go global.

Is Agua like CodeSee?

We are sorry to see CodeSee shut down. We are here for all those devs who hate large codebases with poor documentation. Did you use CodeSee? Talk to our founders.

Is Agua like Storybook?

We share Storybook's mission of making web development easier and faster. That is why we have broadened how you can understand code. With Agua, you can document code at the same time you visually comprehend components and dependencies structure.

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